The event aims to make Fragile X Syndrome visible.
Once again, the month of February is for FNG Fornes Logistics the month of visibility to minority diseases, on the occasion of World Rare Disease Day which is celebrated every year on February 28.
This year, the company is once again collaborating with the Catalan Association of Fragile X Syndrome by transporting the material for the 7th edition of "La passejada en roda petita" which is held this year on March 1st from 11am to 1pm in the Gracia district of Barcelona.
The event consists of a 3.5 km route designed for the whole family that can be done with any small wheel vehicle: scooters, skateboards, skates, small bicycles, etc., followed by a party with workshops and raffles to raise funds for the association. All the benefits will be 100% destined to the programs that are developed in the Association, of attention to the people with the syndrome, accompaniment to relatives and professionals.
This event, like many others held on the occasion of World Rare Disease Day, aims to raise awareness of minority pathologies and situations experienced by these families.
As defined by the association, Fragile X Syndrome is a genetic disorder of family transmission linked to the X chromosome, which can cause difficulties that can range from learning problems to reduced intellectual capacity.
For more information on the Association: